Appium inspector not detecting android elements edit

appium inspector not detecting android elements, they are being viewed by Automation Viewer. Our developers are using Compose Framework and they mentioned, this can be a problem anytime. Tried switching to webview, but it says there is No additional contexts have been detected. We are blocked on this issue. Appreciate if can get any help.

If you are using Jetpack Compose your developers need to add a TestTag on every element you need to interact with. They also need to set testTagsAsResourceId at a high level in the hierarchy so that it is inherited by all elements. This allows the value they set as a TestTag to be visible in the resourceId field and thus is visible to Appium.

This is assuming you are using the UIAutomator2 driver. I believe in Espresso there are other ways around it.

Thanks for the reply, I posted this to my developer team, waiting for their reponse.

Seems issue has been fixed thanks for your support on this,

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