Appium inspector not Refreshing the iOS native app screen that has a section with automatic swipe of images


  1. Launch appium insector

  2. the app launches and the default(Home) app screen is displayed. This home page of the app consists of a section with images swiping automatically.

  3. Tap on Refresh button - the appium inspector shows the buffering for long and never refreshes the screen and never shows the object properties for that screen. But the app screens that just have still images the objects are identified by the appium inspector.

  4. Tap on Record and Refresh - the appium inspector shows the buffering for long and never refreshes the screen.

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I am facing the same issue. Has a solution/workaround been found for this one?

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Iā€™m having the same problem, did you find a solution?

Facing similar problem. Refreshing works for couple of times, then after it is not responding. Anybody could resolve this issue?