Appium Inspector not taking data for password fields in Android

Hi I m new to Appium, and i m facing an issue while entering the values for password type field in Android, the text what i m typing is again concatenated to the Username field.Can you please help me out in this issue.Please find the below image for the issue, Thanks

There might a tag NAF for the password field you can use that, Inorder to find the password element and then followed by using sendKeys.

Example: driver.findElement(By.xpath(“android.widget.TextView[@NAF=‘true’]”)).sendKeys(“xxxxxx”);

Thanks for your advice , I have tried by providing script like this in order to make it work… but i m facing the same issue… Its not taking on the current field.


Any other suggestions please.

are you working on Mac Machine or windows machine. I suggest you not to take the complete Xpath.

from the snapshot provided by you… i guess only one password type field is there in that activity(Page).
So try this wd.findElement(By.xpath("//android.widget.EditText[@NAF=‘true’]").sendKeys(“xxxxxx”);

Yes i am using Mac machine and i am trying to record and play.

And even my iOS device is not getting connected, it is showing an error message as:

Launching Appium with command: ‘/Applications/’ lib/server/main.js --address “” --command-timeout “7200” --platform-version “7.1.1” --platform-name “iOS” --app “com.quisk.Sample” --no-reset --tracetemplate “/Users/bhaskar/Documents/iOS Builds/Appium.tracetemplate” --device-name “iPod” --language “en” --locale “en_IN” --trace-dir “/Users/bhaskar/Documents/iOS Builds” --platform-version 7.1.2

info: Welcome to Appium v1.3.4 (REV c8c79a85fbd6870cd6fc3d66d038a115ebe22efe)

info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
info: [debug] Non-default server args: {“app”:“com.quisk.Sample”,“address”:“”,“noReset”:true,“deviceName”:“iPod”,“platformName”:“iOS”,“platformVersion”:“7.1.2”,“language”:“en”,“locale”:“en_IN”,“automationTraceTemplatePath”:"/Users/bhaskar/Documents/iOS Builds/Appium.tracetemplate",“defaultCommandTimeout”:7200,“traceDir”:"/Users/bhaskar/Documents/iOS Builds"}
info: Console LogLevel: debug

info: --> GET /wd/hub/status {}

info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.3.4”,“revision”:“c8c79a85fbd6870cd6fc3d66d038a115ebe22efe”}}}

info: <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 6.817 ms - 104 {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.3.4”,“revision”:“c8c79a85fbd6870cd6fc3d66d038a115ebe22efe”}}}

info: --> GET /wd/hub/status {}

info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.3.4”,“revision”:“c8c79a85fbd6870cd6fc3d66d038a115ebe22efe”}}}
info: <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 1.585 ms - 104 {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.3.4”,“revision”:“c8c79a85fbd6870cd6fc3d66d038a115ebe22efe”}}}
info: --> GET /wd/hub/sessions {}
info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:[]}
info: <-- GET /wd/hub/sessions 200 0.931 ms - 23 {“status”:0,“value”:[]}

info: --> POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“platformName”:“iOS”,“locale”:“en_IN”,“newCommandTimeout”:“999999”,“deviceName”:“iPod”,“platformVersion”:“7.1.1”,“language”:“en”,“automationName”:“Appium”}}
info: Client User-Agent string: Appium (unknown version) CFNetwork/596.6.3 Darwin/12.5.0 (x86_64) (iMac10%2C1)

info: [debug] App is an iOS bundle, will attempt to run as pre-existing
info: [debug] Creating new appium session 1b738b1f-68f3-4029-a9ee-5bfb3c137cf1

info: [debug] Removing any remaining instruments sockets
info: [debug] Cleaned up instruments socket /tmp/instruments_sock
info: [debug] Setting Xcode folder
info: [debug] Setting Xcode version

info: [debug] Setting iOS SDK Version

error: Could not determine Xcode version:Could not get Xcode version: /Applications/ does not exist on disk.

error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.
error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.

info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session

error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.
error: Could not determine iOS SDK version
error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.

info: [debug] Error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.
at /Applications/
at /Applications/
at /Applications/
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:656:7)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:766:16)
at Socket. (child_process.js:979:11)
at Socket.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Pipe.close (net.js:466:12)
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:33,“value”:{“message”:“A new session could not be created. (Original error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.)”,“origValue”:“Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.”},“sessionId”:null}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 58.577 ms - 290

Hi I was also facing same issue,

Further i realized that, when you sendkeys text to user name, android default keyboard appears and some how appium does not find the locator for password field.

Try hide keyboard function after entering the user name; This work around is working for me.