Appium Inspector won't refresh on iOS

Whenever I launch the inspector, my app launches fine and ever shows the UI elements.

However, when I try to refresh the button just spins and I am unable to get the new UI and then the app crashes.
After it finally finishes and app crashes, the inspector is empty

The only way I have found to get the inspector to work is to hit a breakpoint while debugging and it will eventually find the UI.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this issue?

I have had no problems with the android version of this app.

Xcode 7.0.1
Appium 1.4.8, 1.4.13 (tried both)
iPad Air 9.0.1

Hmm that’s strange. Can you attach a GitHub gist of the appium logs?
Also, you may want to check if there’s a crash log in your app under test and ask development. Can you get a similar crash without using appium?

I will try to get a log of the crash, but I have unable to reproduce the crash outside of Appium