Appium Installation guide in Mac for Android

Can someone please help me to configure Android in Mac to run selenium test on Android device using appium. If possible i need step by step instruction as i am new to Appium. Any help will be appreciated.

Appium set up on mac:

  1. ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”
  2. brew doctor
  3. brew prune
  4. brew install node
  5. brew link node6. brew update
  6. sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
  7. curl | sh
  8. npm install -g appium

Android setup on Mac:

  1. Download android sdk from
  2. Set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable in .bash_profile
  3. Set the android sdk, platform-tools and tools path in PATH variable in .bash_profile file.
    Always remember to source your .bash_profile file in terminal by using command:
    source .bash_profile

Thank you so much divakar, Really appreciate for your help. I will follow your steps and will come back to you if i get stuck. Divakar can you also please help me setup Appium Android and IOS node in Grid.
