Appium iOS API function Call

Hi There,

I have been strugling witht the following issue since yesterday…

Scenario: I am runing an iOS test which clicks a text box enters a value and click on a button to confirm. when user clicks the confirm button it shows an alert which has two button cancel and confirm. When user clicks confirm button in the alert it calls an API function whch does some calculations to double the amount enterd and display it in another screen.

however, the scripts is entering the right amount and correct amont (which should be double of the original amount) is displayed on a temp label but when we move to the results screen it does not show the correct amount.

When I ran the same scenarios manually on the iOS simulator it works fine…I am very very confused as to why its doing this…

I tried to capture the req / reponse using charles and the API call made when runing the script is setting the wrong amount when compared it with manual steps…is there a way to explicity call an API function from within the script or any pointers as to what can be the reason…


This might be work for you