Appium Ios Automation on simulator on Mac OS

I am doing automation of ios app with appium,

I am not able to run the appium inspector.

Here is the screen shot or my error.

Please help.

First Under settings icon browse the .ipa file for tha pp u want to automate
and also select prelaunch option then session will be created…


My settings are pointing to same ipa…
here is the screen shot of my ios settings.


.ipa = real device
.app = simulator

you trying wrong build :slight_smile:

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delete you logs first (hard to scroll). disable Show Simulator Log and paste your log again - hard to read all mess.

Deleted my logs.

Now somehow I am able to run app on simulator from appium,

but after some time app closed automatically (I think due to instruments get crashed).

Logs are attached. (Disable simulator logs).

Please help it outappium_ios_logs.txt (97.0 KB)

One Question:-
for iOS automation from appium, can we access source code of iOS application ? Or we just use .ipa or .app, and gets its UI element (means we cannot test background data)?