Appium iOS: FindElementFromElement is not working


  1. MacOS High Sierra
  2. Language: Ruby
  3. Appium Library used: appium_lib (9.4.10)
  4. Appium server version: 1.7.2
  5. Xcode version: 9.2
  6. iPad Air 11.2

cell = $driver.find_element(:name, 'xyzCell') :- It is working fine
element = cell.find_element(:name, 'titleLabel') :- It is not working

When I was trying to find child element of cell using find_element method it throws an error 'Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.'

But when I was try to find child element using find_elements method then it works as expected.

element = cell.find_elements(:name, 'titleLabel').first :- It is working

I don’t know why ‘FindElementFromElement’ is not working when I switch to Xcode 9.2, previously when I was using Xcode 8.3.2 (Rest environment is same as mentioned above ), It was working absolutely fine.

Same exact issue is happening to me, using same Xcode and Appium, but in Java Client.

Please report in I’ll do the same when I have time