Appium 1.5.3
Xcode 7.3.1
Java-client 3.3.0
iPad Air 2
How do you guys hide keyboard?
When I input username and password with send keys method my login button is not visible anymore.
I can locate username/password by xpath (given to me through inspector). I can send info to those elements with sendKeys method.
However, when I try to locate keyboard button “hide keyboard” with xpath my script crashes.
Can someone point me to the right direction?
What I am trying to do: enter username/password, then hide keyboard as it blocks login button, and then click login button.
Ok, solved a problem by using this from the link posted above (Appium iOS Guide: hiding the keyboard on real devices):
It was required to have casting and done.
Thanks for the time and solution. How do you know it’s UIAKeyBoard as class and Is there any reference info from where I can get info?