Appium is not detecteing some elements in the app


I’m running the application on iPhone 5S with iOS version 7.1.2. I’m using latest Appium Version1.3.3 (Ophiuchus). Appium inspector launched the application onto the device,but some elements present in my app are not being shown in window heirarchy of the appium inspector. There are some elements which appium inspector is not detecting like “Buttons” and “Links”.

There is a button in the app I’m using named “Accept” but in appium inspector I see “[UIAStaticText] Accept”,not the button component for this(that should be [UIAbutton] Accept I think) and when I use Tap event on [UIAStaticText] Accept, it does not do anything because it is actually just a text. So now I’m blocked with How to proceed further because without clicking on “Accept” button I can’t go further.

Please let me know the possible reasons and solutions to resolve the issue.
