Appium Java sendText(); cannot send letter “a” and “b”

this is my first time asking questing here. Here is my code

, i have tested it will all character.

Everything is working fine except for the letter “a” and “b”. It cannot input those letter. It also doesn’t show any error. Really frustrated by this issue.

so if you send (“abc”) will send just c ??

Yes, you’re totally right

try one of the below solutions:

1- setText() instead of sendKeys()
2- Try to use another platform
3- Try to use unicodeKeyboard and resetKeyboard caps.

and let me know the result.

Hi, thankyou for your help :slight_smile: . setText() give this error “The method setText(String) is undefined for the type MobileElement”. I have set unicodeKeyboard and resetKeyboard caps to true and retest sendKeys(“abc”), but still only “c” appear, “a” and “b” don’t show. As for another platform, i don’t really understand what you mean. Sorry i’m still a beginner in this.

For extra details, i’m using my personal android phone for this testing. The android version is 6.0. It is produced by local company in my country. This problem doesn’t occur while i’m using real android phone in version 4.2.2.

setText should work if you use appium 6.0 or higher

my appium java client version is 6.1.0, my java version is 1.8.0_181 , but it still give me error , and also for extra details, i use adb shell input text to test various edittext on various apps, adb shell input text shows any character except adb input text “a” and “b”. It doesn’t show any error but those letter just doesn’t want to show.

i try it and it’s working fine for me, i cannot judge unless you show me the result from appium log or console output if you can