appium_lib ruby set caps issue when not using Appium.txt

Hi everyone.

I have the the following in my appium.txt file:

platformName = "iOS"
platformVersion = '9.2'
app = ""
deviceName = "iPhone 6"
sendKeyStrategy = "setValue"
autoWebview = "true"

when I use this to launch a test it works fine. But I want to make the tests more flexible and you cannot use names other than appium.txt for the caps file. So I am using the following:

caps = {
   'platformName' => 'iOS',
   'platformVersion' => '9.2',
   'app' => '',
   'deviceName' => 'iPhone 6',
   'sendKeyStrategy' => 'setValue',
   'autoWebview' => 'true'

$appium_driver =

However when I try to run the tests this way I get the following error:

The following desired capabilities are required, but were not provided: platformName, deviceName

I am specifying those values in the hash so not understanding what’s happening here.

Hoping someone can help.


I think you are missing the symbol caps:

So something like this:

caps = {
   'platformName' => 'iOS',
   'platformVersion' => '9.2',
   'app' => '',
   'deviceName' => 'iPhone 6',
   'sendKeyStrategy' => 'setValue',
   'autoWebview' => 'true'

$appium_driver = caps)

Check out the initialize method for Driver here:

From the comments:

Start iOS driver

# opts = { caps: { platformName: :ios, app: '/path/to/' } }
# # Start Android driver
# opts = { caps: { platformName: :android, app: '/path/to/my.apk' } }
# ```
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Hi wreed.

That was it. Thank you VERY MUCH!
