Can anyone please tell how to generate test report using appium mobile automation?
would you let us know what kind of test report you want to generate ?
I want to generate a test report with the summary of test results showing pass and fail, that is status of every test. And, coding language of my test scripts is Node.js along with mocha. Please let me know if you have solution for the same.
I do not think Selenium supports generating test result reports.
You have to use an external API or component or framework for this.
One this TestNG framework which helps you generate report but reports might not be very nice looking fancy.
You can use TestNG, but the result reports are not that fancy.
Use ExtentReports with rich UI metrics and Dashboard reports and can specify at step level.
So use the API from "ExtentReports
Actually, I am currently using appium so is this the same case with appium also? And, coding which I have done is in Node.js along with mocha.