Appium Node gets unregistered from Selenium Grid after successful registration

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I have Appium Server and Selenium Grid in one machine (machine-A) and Appium Node in other machine (machine-B). Machine B has android emulator.

I am getting following error in appium node,

[debug] [Appium] Appium successfully registered with the grid on :4444 [debug] [Appium] Grid registration error: Cannot find proxy with ID =http://machineA_ip:4736 in the registry. [debug] [Appium] Appium successfully registered with the grid on machineA_ip:4444 [debug] [Appium] Grid registration error: Cannot find proxy with ID =http://machineA_ip:4736 in the registry.

Following error from selenium hub,

INFO - Registered a node http://machineA_ip:4736 WARN - Cleaning up stale test sessions on the unregistered node http://:4736 15:23:17.350 INFO - Marking the node http://machineA_ip:4736 as down: cannot reach the node for 2 tries INFO - Unregistering the node http://machineA_ip:4736 because it’s been down for 60117 milliseconds 15:24:17.469 WARN - Cleaning up stale test sessions on the unregistered node http://machineA_ip:4736 15:24:21.222 INFO - Registered a node http://machineA_ip:4736 15:24:33.238 INFO - Marking the node http:// machineA_ip :4736 as down: cannot reach the node for 2 tries

I am highly not sure, what prevents in connection between node & hub. There is no problem when we have selenium hub, appium server, appium node in same machine.

Note: - Both the machine belongs to same network. - When i have selenium grid, appium server, appium node in same machine i do not face any problem

is this resolved?
I have same problem with appium 1.11.1 and selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.

I’m getting the same error with my similar setup with a real Android device.

Machine A - Selenium Grid up and running
Machine B - Appium Server with Android device connected