Appium + Opentest: Appium server does not respond, Opentest script stuck in Pending phase

Hi All, hope you all have a nice day today! I need some expert advice on Appium + Opentest combo.

It’s been working correctly for a long time, but recently I have experienced issues when starting my scripts. After having Appium and Opentest (server + actor) started, and then creating a test session in Opentest, the test stucks in Pending phase. No entries appear in Appium server log. It seems that connection does not build up at all.

Anyone, please, could give some help?

Some version info about my setup:
node -v: v20.8.1
Xcode version: 14.3.1
java -version: openjdk version “1.8.0_292-internal”
appium -v: 2.2.1
Appium-doctor version: 1.16.2
Inspector version: 2023.10.4
[email protected]
[email protected]
opentest -v: 1.3.8

Thank you!