Appium : Original error: Bad app: App paths need to be absolute, or relative to the appium server install dir

Hello Everyone.
I have a problem with error
App paths need to be absolute, or relative to the appium server install dir, or a URL to compressed file, or a special app name.


  • Mac
  • IOS
  • Appium 1.5.2

I run my tests(iOS) remote in pararell on server(Mac) and sometimes i have error with bad path App.
I punched a few ways to add the path.

  1. capabilities.setCapability(APP, "/Users/bamboo.agent/Desktop/GRID_CONFIG/filmon-ios.ipa"); -
  2. String path = "/Users/bamboo.agent/Desktop/GRID_CONFIG/filmon-ios.ipa"; File app = new File(path); capabilities.setCapability(APP, app.getAbsolutePath);
  3. String apkpath="/Users//bamboo.agent/Desktop/GRID_CONFIG/filmon-ios.ipa"; capabilities.setCapability("app", apkpath.getAbsolutePath());

I dont know where is the problem, how to add correct path for file.ipa.
Have somebody solution or explain me?

P.S. “Sorry for my bad English”

What are the Appium server logs?

Yesterday I update appium to 1.5.3 , for now everything is good.
But the error Bad App Path was random.