Appium server not seeing my connect iOS device

I am running the node.js server. I have an iPhone connected to my Mac. The instruments devices command shows it as:

xxx’s iPhone (8.1.3) [0da515d7f4c49acc0b7d3e983fbf915a030276f6]

When I launch the my tests I get this in the console:

[debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:33,“value”:{“message”:“A new session could not be created. (Original error: Could not find a device to launch. You requested ‘0da515d7f4c49acc0b7d3e983fbf915a030276f6 (8.1 Simulator)’, but the available devices were: [“iPad 2 (8.1 Simulator) [67E4D1B6-4118-4555-A797-BE8FF404259A]”,“iPad Air (8.1 Simulator) [042F3789-DEBB-4121-AAB1-A67FFBDA5B8A]”,“iPad Retina (8.1 Simulator) [41309A71-18DF-4377-9A7F-A17B9D2D45B9]”,“iPhone 4s (8.1 Simulator) [833AF658-70B8-406D-BE84-52158DEB81F2]”,“iPhone 5 (8.1 Simulator) [ED5DEE2F-F9E8-4933-AE15-DDCDEDE2ADF4]”,“iPhone 5s (8.1 Simulator) [C088F3C2-D5D1-449A-827D-D55E247B3CE5]”,“iPhone 6 (8.1 Simulator) [EBA83CC4-A6E0-4022-9C70-A87AB6222D86]”,“iPhone 6 Plus (8.1 Simulator) [BB72B6DE-4DFF-4C15-8029-6C05695686C5]”])”

That is a list of all the other “devices” reported by the instruments devices command. Im confused by the line 'You requested ‘0da515d7f4c49acc0b7d3e983fbf915a030276f6 (8.1 Simulator)’, because that is not what I - knowingly - requested. Here are my capabilities, expressed in text in a properties file we use. (BTW, everything is fine when I run against the server.)

You need to start the Appium server with the -U flag, and the UUID that you got from instruments: 0da515d7f4c49acc0b7d3e983fbf915a030276f6.

Look at the topic Appium on real iOS devices on this page:



For example, if you are prelaunching your app and wish for Appium to force use a specific UDID, then you may use the below command:

appium -U --app

This will start Appium and have Appium use the device to test the app.

Refer to the Appium server arguments page for more detail on the arguments that you can use.