Well it was a long time coming, there were alot of changes to how xcode and Instruments works under the hood, but shouldn’t make any difference for users. Thanks to @jlipps who slaved on this. And thanks to all the great people who tried out the pre-releases and found all sorts of juicy errors.
Changes in this version:
allow full-reset desired capability to work alongside language/locale desired capabilities
add iOS 8 support
add support for launching an app on the sim just by bundleId (iOS8 only)
ensure screenshot process uses dir specified in --tmp
add --isolate-sim-device which removes all other xcode 6 simulators
before running test (might be necessary for some platforms)
update mobile safari temp app to include platformVersion so we don’t get
strange version conflicts
reset push notification privacy settings in between sessions
fix the flakiness of getting a list of available devices
auto-refresh Safari if no webviews are found
rewrite cookie handling code to use code derived from jQuery instead of mozilla docCookie
force device string when device name starts with “=”
fix a security hole in pullFile() where users could download files on the machine hosting appium
fix Chromedriver to work with newer versions
Chromedriver will work if adb is not running on default port
speed up clearing text fields when there is hint text
I’ve been running the 1.3 (ios8 branch up to this point) of appium in concert with using the Appium client dmg app inspector of 1.2.
What I do
a) I use an appium.txt of my choosing.
b) I start up the appium server
c) In a separate terminal, I run appium ruby console (arc) from the same directory as appium.txt above. (assumes appium server installed) https://rubygems.org/gems/appium_console
d) I launch appium client (extracted dmg).
e) I Click the magnifying glass - and inspect away.
What I like about this method is that I never have to muck with my appium dmg client settings. Real good for the workflow.