Appium stops app from being debugged in Safari Developer mode

Hey guys,

I’ve got an issue with Appium removing my hybrid application folder from the iOS simulator folder

file:///Users/peterpoliwoda/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/265BF47D-5617-43AE-B014-B01BE45BAC98/data /Applications/ folder

When I’m running the test the folder stays intact for about 2-3 seconds and after Appium runs its first script to type something in an input box (which fails my validation tests btw) the Develop/iOS Simulator/Application/index.html file becomes disabled and if I try navigating to it, the whole application folder is gone so no way to debug what’s happening.

Any ideas?

If you want to debug the app, make sure Appium server is not running.

So is this a normal thing? That doesn’t really help. I need to see why is my validation not seeing what I am typing in the iOS Simulator. It works fine on Android but on iOS it doesn’t recognize that there is something in the input box. I’ve tried using driver.sendKeys() and setting the value of the input box, setting focus and blur and focus again but it still doesn’t recognize it.
BUT: If I type it in myself using my keyboard it works fine and logs in fine. I can’t reproduce it without Appium typing into my input box.

Yes. Sometimes running Appium server and debugging tool such as inspector conflict.
I can’t really understand what is your problem though… Could you please provide detailed scenario and what exactly is happening and what you need, so I could try to help you.
Logs from the Appium server would be great addition :slight_smile: