Appium Support for Windows Mobile Automation

Hello Guys.
We have successfully implemented Appium for Android and IOS Native/Hybrid application.Thank you very very much for such a wonderful tool.We are now planning to develop our mobile application for Windows 10 mobiles and hence we are now planing to extend our mobile automation support for Windows 10 mobile too.

I happened to see Roadmap of Appium and found out that Appium is planning to support Windows Mobile automation.But I didnt get any confirmed information on by what date we can expect Appium’s support for Windows Mobile Automation.

It would be a great help if you can throw some light on expected date by which Appium will start supporting Windows Mobile automation.

We are expecting to start building Mobile Automation framework for Windows Mobile within next 2 months.
We hope to stick to the Appium for our this new project.

Waiting for your kind reply.

Thanks and Regards,

You should try winium

Hi @pr4bh4sh.
Thanks for reply.I am aware of Winium which we too are thinking to go for.Just wanted to know whether Appium team is working on supporting Windows Mobile Application Automation or not.Once I happened to read on some blog that Appium team is thinking of integrating Winium with Appium in order to extend automation support to Windows Mobile app.So just wanted to know about status of the same.

Thanks and Regards,