Appium test kills when run it via jar file. [iOS9, xCode 7, appium 1.4.13]

I have a strange issue.
If I run test from IDEA it works fine, but when I run test via jar file appium server start runs simulator and at this time process of test (jar of project) kills with output: ‘Killed: 9’.

When I use xCode 6 everything is ok so I think it does not depend on my code.

Has anybody the same issue?

P.S. It works by sudo.

same issue here. It’s very frustrating as I don’t have the luxury to run tests using sudo

I execute the appium test project via Terminal using maven build tool (mvn clean test). As soon as the Simulator is opened, the maven process gets killed 9

wonder if xCode does this intentionally so people would start using the built-in UI testing framework?

this issue is fixed in Xcode 7.1.1

Hi Phil.
It is still kills tests for me on xCode 7.1.1

But I do not use maven for running test. Was it fixed for maven only?

I thought it would be fixed for you too but I guess not. I’ve only been running tests using maven and Xcode 7.1.1 didn’t kill them like it previously did.