Appium - To check the clicked video is playing or not

Hi Team,

I need help on testing the videos (playing or not) using Appium. i am not getting any clue in this anywhere, so please anyone help.

Example Application :

once i clicked any video in Youtube, i need to check the clicked video is playing or not. So kindly help me is this possible in Appium or not … if not suggest me how to handle this…


From what I know, Appium doesn’t record videos nor take images. I suggest using Applitools (supported by Appium) or just take screenshots of the youtube video and check them afterwards.

I’m new to this so please give me a feedback if you found it useful or you wish to have more information.

Depending on if Appium can see the playback controls you can check for the presence of a Pause button instead of a Play button, and check that the playback time has increased after playback (0:00:00 at start, > 0:00:00 after pressing Play).

Outputting screenshots to manually verify is a good suggestion, too. Sometimes that’s easier than spending hours trying to automate a solution.

Thanks Philippe…i will try applitools as you suggested and get back to you

Thanks Christopher…

hello Imthiyaz,
Did you get any solution?
I am looking for same help …how can i get the status of player video is being played.
Please help me if you have something…

Thank you .

hello Imthiyaz,
Could you please share your solution if you got one. I’m trying to accomplish the same or can you share how far you’ve gotten with which solution ?

Thank you .

@videoTesting See my suggestions above.

If video is getting played and i want to pause a video, then How to do? Because When i clicked on the video, pause button of a video comes for a 2-3 seconds and its disappears from the screen till that time i am not able to get the element id on the android devices.
Can you suggest how to pause a video, if video is started.