Appium use storeVisualization throw cannot be cast to java.lang.String Execption

I was using appium to do some image check with opencv4nodejs

there is my code:

SimilarityMatchingOptions opts = new SimilarityMatchingOptions();
SimilarityMatchingResult res = driver.getImagesSimilarity(new File(“1.jpg”), new File(“2.jpg”), opts);
res.storeVisualization(new File(“3.jpg”));

it will throw “$TransformedEntriesMap cannot be cast to java.lang.String”

then i try delete “res.storeVisualization(new File(“3.jpg”));”, which is

SimilarityMatchingOptions opts = new SimilarityMatchingOptions();
SimilarityMatchingResult res = driver.getImagesSimilarity(new File(“1.jpg”), new File(“2.jpg”), opts);

then everything is fine,

so the problem is “res.storeVisualization(new File(“3.jpg”))”,but i didn’t know why, i copy the code in ,line 95-100

I think there’s no reason to be wrong

sorry for my broken english

This was happening due to a server bug. Try appium@beta

so is the only way to fix that?