Application doesn't exist error


I am trying to install and launch the app in the simulator and i am getting the error “Application doesn’t exist and have you launched this app in simulator before”? error. Any ideas?

If you are talking about Android, Are you launching using command -
adb install {application apk file path}

Please share more info -
Platform - Adnroid/iOS
Appium version -
Appium Java client version [or your respective client]

Error logs


I assume this is related with ipad or iphone simulator.
I would suggest that please check your server logs and try to find if there is anything like info: [debug] Executing: xcrun simctl erase <uuid of simulator> . If that is the case then problem is with your simulator, you have a bad Simulator entry. Solution is

  1. Try deleting all of the Simulator devices, and then create one that you want to test with and try again.
  2. If you still have same issue, you may have to clean garbage data in simulator.
  3. To remove that use the xcrun simctl list command in a Terminal window. If you see devices in there that don’t show up in the GUI, you’ll need to delete them with the xcrun simctl delete <uuid of simulator> command.


I have an .ipa file of debug version with developement certificate and signed. Can I instll this app in ipad using appium? I tried giving apppath (I saved this on desktop) and try to launch inspector and it’s failed. Do I need to do any other steps?
And also our app is developed using Xamarin ios.