Apppium can't recognise IOS child elements

We have IDs in elements using testID and accessibilityLabel properties :
But still, the appium is not able to identify the elements in the iOS hierarchy.
On Android, it is compiled in content-desc, but on IOS, still doesn’t work, there is no accessibility id
We tried this solution:

import { Platform } from 'react-native';

export function accessibility(id?: string) {
  return Platform.OS === 'android'
    ? { accessible: true, accessibilityLabel: id }

Also, we tried to put accessible={false} on the parent element, but without success.

You could try adding id and value to IOS.

export function accessibility(id?: string, value?: {[key: string]: number | string | boolean}) {
return Platform.OS === ‘android’
? { accessible: true, accessibilityLabel: id } : {
accessibilityLabel: id,
accessibilityValue: value