Attempts to run appium-windows-driver fail with "Error: Could not verify WinAppDriver install; re-run install"

I’m attempting to run a simple module to initialize a Windows desktop application as follows:

import { WindowsDriver } from 'appium-windows-driver'

let defaultCaps = {
   deviceName: 'WindowsPC',
   app: 'C:\\fullpath to .exe',
   platformName: 'Windows'

async function startDriver() {
   try {
       let driver = new WindowsDriver();
       await driver.createSession(defaultCaps);
   catch (err) {


I’ve attempted to run this directly with appium or WinAppDriver.exe and it fails with:

WARN BaseDriver The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by appium: app.
info BaseDriver Session created with session id: f66a2ab7-f00f-4843-9e0b-f84338b2edfb
info WinAppDriver Verifying WinAppDriver is installed with correct checksum
dbug WinAppDriver Deleting WinAppDriver session
[Error: Could not verify WinAppDriver install; re-run install]

If I run to Appium through webdriverio I see the following:

[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.6.4 (REV bb17ebf57e67ff160c7ee6c028dd3b5de4118d54)
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
[HTTP] → POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“javascriptEnabled”:true,“locationContextEnabled”:true,“handlesAlerts”:true,“rotatable”:true,“deviceName”:“WindowsPC”,“app”:“frmReaderManager”,“platformName”:“Windows”,“requestOrigins”:{“url”:“”,“version”:“4.6.2”,“name”:“webdriverio”}}}
[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{“javascriptEnabled”:true,“locationContextEnabled”:true,“handlesAlerts”:true,“rotatable”:true,“deviceName”:“WindowsPC”,“app”:“app AutomationID”,“platformName”:“Windows”,“requestOrigins”:{“url”:“”,“version”:“4.6.2”,“name”:“webdriverio”}},null,null,null,null]
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘newSessionRequested’ logged at 1493894421416 (05:40:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time))
[Appium] Creating new WindowsDriver (v0.4.1) session
[Appium] Capabilities:
[Appium] javascriptEnabled: true
[Appium] locationContextEnabled: true
[Appium] handlesAlerts: true
[Appium] rotatable: true
[Appium] deviceName: ‘WindowsPC’
[Appium] app: ‘app AutomationId’
[Appium] platformName: ‘Windows’
[Appium] requestOrigins: { url: ‘’,
version: ‘4.6.2’,
name: ‘webdriverio’ }
[BaseDriver] The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by appium: javascriptEnabled, locationContextEnabled, handlesAlerts, rotatable, app, requestOrigins.
[BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 10b56024-d112-4c65-9a3f-ede38017a42c
[WinAppDriver] Verifying WinAppDriver is installed with correct checksum
[debug] [WinAppDriver] Deleting WinAppDriver session
[MJSONWP] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Could not verify WinAppDriver install; re-run install
at WinAppDriver.start$ (…../lib/winappdriver.js:35:13)
at tryCatch (C:\projects\ project1\node_modules\appium\node_modules\babel-runtime\regenerator\runtime.js:67:40)
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (C:\projects\ project1\node_modules\appium\node_modules\babel-runtime\regenerator\runtime.js:315:22)
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (C:\projects\ project1\node_modules\appium\node_modules\babel-runtime\regenerator\runtime.js:100:21)
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke (C:\projects\ project1\node_modules\appium\node_modules\babel-runtime\regenerator\runtime.js:136:37)
at run (C:\projects\ project1\node_modules\appium\node_modules\core-js\library\modules\es6.promise.js:108:47)
at C:\projects\ project1\node_modules\appium\node_modules\core-js\library\modules\es6.promise.js:119:28
at flush (C:\projects\project1\node_modules\appium\node_modules\core-js\library\modules$.microtask.js:19:5)
at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:453:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:382:13)
[HTTP] ← POST /wd/hub/session 500 73 ms - 190

This also occurs if I start appium or WinAppDriver on port 4724. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!!

OS: Windows 10 Home Version 1607, build 14393.447
Appium 1.6.4
WinAppDriver latest version
npm version 3.6.0
[email protected]
[email protected]

I was able to successfully open and interact with my windows application by running WinAppDriver with the Java samples provided in its repo, using the same capabilities. Oddly the samples run with an IOSDriver with the windows capabilities passed to it.

Ran into the same issue with latest Appium 1.0.2.beta and the May 6th release of WinAppDriver.

Got it working by getting an MD5 of the new WinAppDriver.exe binary and changing that value in the install.js file (both lib and build versions) at Appium installation path/node_modules/appium-windows-driver/lib/install.js and Appium installation path/node_modules/appium-windows-driver/build/lib/install.js

I believe this is an integration bug between latest Appium and WinAppDriver :slight_smile:

Thanks for the heads up!