Automation on firefox using appium on latest android version


I am trying to automate a web application on firefox using appium. I am able to launch the Firefox browser on a android device but I’m not able to proceed further. I am not able to hit the actual web address on the address bar.

Does appium support firefox browser automation? Is there any firefox launchers or something?

Thanks in advance…!!!

@mkvignesh i don’t think so Appium supports firefox in android devices

Try with Chrome android native driver

@jagadeeshkotha I am able to trigger the firefox browser through Appium but still not able to do any other actions.

I am able to automate other combinations of the browsers with appium, and so wanted to move on to the next level. So Is there any official notes that says Appium will support Firefox or still this is a work yet to be started? This is what I wanted to know.

Any idea on when the support will be added? Just a question out of curiosity.

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