Can I create package for Android?

Hi, I’m newbie in terms of android and automations.
I’m looking for a way to automate some of my android apps on phone.
Is it possible to export projects/automation I created on appium to the real device so I can run those automations without my phone being plugged in PC with developer mode on and appium server running?
Are there any tools I should look for? (have heard about qpython and kivy)


You mean over Wifi?

Hi wreed, thanks for replying
Not over WiFi (while for sure better than wire) ~ I want simply to have automation running on my android phone without any additional device.

Oh, sorry. Don’t know anything about that.

Do you need something like ?

You could also check how Appium’s UiAutomator2 driver works. The main idea there is that the test automation app must not run under a limited (default) user account.