Can we use the appium to automate firefox browser on android operating system and chrome on IOS O/S?


I am using appium for past two years to automate safari on ios and chrome on android. But now there is project need to automate all the existing workflow for firefox and other non native browsers. I can’t switch to some other tool to automate firefox . Can we somehow use the appium to automate firefox on android and chrome on IOS?


Browser is specified in DesiredCapabilities. Try changing there and execute:
caps.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, “Chrome”);


Hi , thanks for the reply. The method won’t work if you try to pass Firefox as an argument . Appium will give you an error message. I have already tried this one , getting error message :- stack trace

“info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:33,“value”:{“message”:“A new session could not be created. (Original error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device)”,“origValue”:“No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device”},“sessionId”:null}”

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What if you tried automating Firefox for Android like a regular Android app? As an example for the capabilities:

caps.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP_PACKAGE, "org.mozilla.fennec");

Once Firefox launches, you can interact with it like any other application. The main issue is that Firefox might not connect with a particular driver, so you might not be able to switch contexts or do anything useful. :stuck_out_tongue: This is probably not what you wanted to look for.

You might want to post a question in one of the Firefox development forums or IRC as well, asking about Selenium WebDriver automation for Firefox on Android. According to this document, try joining the #ateam IRC on Freenode.

Apparently, @jlipps might be working a bit on this as well. Can you provide us with any guidance? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes automating Firefox as android app , not a good idea. I tried all the alternatives to switch contexts but could’t find any way. Although for the links, thank you very much. I think for getting answer of the question, I need to wait for selenium 3.0