Cannot click or tap elements on iOS Safari

I’m trying to click a hamburger on our website and it is simply not happening. It can find the element no problem, and doesn’t throw any errors about clicking the hamburger, but when I tell it to tap or click I will typically have a step afterward that involves interacting with an element in the menu that is revealed by that action, and my test will fail out on a “cannot find element” error since the menu isn’t open.
I’ve run on 1.1.0 and 1.3.4, and I’m running through Sauce Labs, so the configuration should be a-ok. I’ve attempted tapping instead of clicking and added the nativeWebTap capability. Everything will act like it’s fine and working, but the hamburger doesn’t open.
I can click in the simulator and open it myself without issue.
This is only happening with the hamburger, and I can click and tap on other elements. The only thing I can think of that is weird about our hamburger is it’s a touch-only element.


I had a fiew issues on this. The following findings may help you:

In short, I didn’t get it working on a real device either. However I plan to attack the subject soon.

Also if you go any further than this I would love to hear your findings,

