Cannot find element after alert_accept

In my ruby script pasted below, after the first alert__accept, the Android dialogue box appears to go away, but I get the error “An element could not be located” on find__element(:id, ‘’).click

If I paste this and run it in ARC, I have no issue. I’ve tried adding page right after the first alert__accept, but when I run the ruby script, I get no output. It’s as if Appium has ‘lost’ my app, even though it is appearing on the screen.

Details: Using Appium 1.6, physical Android Nexus 6P with latest OS

require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'

APP_PATH = './app-debug.apk'
DEVICE_NAME = 'fakedevice' #adb devices

#define capabilities
desired_caps = {
	caps: {
		platformName: "android",
		deviceName: DEVICE_NAME,
		app: APP_PATH

# start driver
@driver =

module SignInTest
	module MainPage
		#makes finde_element accessible
		Appium.promote_appium_methods Object

		#assign buttons
		find_element(:id, 'android:id/content').click

		find_element(:id, '').click

		find_element(:id, 'android:id/content').click

		@email = '[email protected]'
		@password = 'fakepassword'

		find_element(:id, '').type(@email)
		find_element(:id, '').type(@password)
		find_element(:id, '').click

		# Accept Location permissions
		# Screen presents permissions dialog
		find_element(:id, '').click
		# Android alert is shown

		#Accept Microphone permissions
		# Screen presents permissions dialog
		find_element(:id, '').click
		# Android alert is shown

	    # teardown

Any solution for this ?

Same issue here:

Element recognized, clicking on it gives alert.

After accepting alert, element not found anymore.

Unfortunately, no. I’ve been working around it by setting autoGrantPermissions in my caps files. Which means I have a subset of test cases that need to be run manually…

I did raise a ticket on git (, but haven’t made any progress there either.