Cannot find resource id using uiautomatorviewer

Hi Guys,

I am new to Appium and as per the screenshot I am trying to find resource-id of whatsapp but it is not getting displayed in uiautomatorviewer. I have samsung Duos with Android version 4.4.2. So can you please help to find resource-id using uiautomator viewer

Can someone let me know the solution for the same

driver.findElement(MobileBy.AccessibilityId("WhatsApp")) Should work.

I was trying on UIAUTOMATORVIEWER, so what are the settings to be made to see resource-id or any other tool which is similar to the same… kindly suggest

UIAUTOMATORVIEWER can’t display id unless the element has/assigned an id. You have to use either Android uiautomation or xPath (Always opt for relative xpath).