Cannot open apps from the device - Appium 2.0

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to launch installed Zoom app on Android, however, I am getting session 500 error, it is not a case when I open app manually and add ‘noReset’ cap to True.
Can you advise what I am doing wrong?

macOS Ventura 13.2.1
Python 3.10
Appium v2.0.0-beta.58

from appium import webdriver

’ class TestZoom(object):
def test_join_meeting(self):
APPIUM = ‘http://localhost:4723
CAPS = {
‘appium:platformName’ : ‘Android’,
‘appium:platformVersion’ : ‘11’,
‘appium:deviceName’ : ‘moto e40’,
‘appium:appPackage’ : ‘us.zoom.videomeetings’,
‘appium:appActivity’ : ‘com.zipow.videobox.WelcomeActivity’,
‘appium:automationName’ : ‘uiautomator2’,

        driver = webdriver.Remote(

update to → UIAutomator2

Unfortunately it didn’t help, I am still getting error on Appium server side:

[debug] [AppiumDriver@a2b1]     at AppiumDriver.createSession (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/lib/appium.js:346:35)
[HTTP] <-- POST /session 500 7121 ms - 5888

In terminal I am getting info that:

java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=us.zoom.videomeetings/com.zipow.videobox.WelcomeActivity } from null (pid=11358, uid=2000) not exported from uid 10241

Any suggestions?

It’s a security feature. Normally the developers would provide a debug apk that would give you permission to start the intent. Since you don’t appear to have access to such an apk, you could try decompiling/recompiling with change to AndroidManifest.xml, but that’s outside the scope of this forum: