Cannot run latest appium app (1.4.13) with xcode 7.0.1


I’ve updated the appium app to the latest ver (1.4.13) and using xcode 7.0.1

On the first launch I got "error: uncaughtException: Cannot find module 'appium-instruments'"

After following the next post

I’m getting next error :

[INST STDERR] dyld: could not load inserted library '/Applications/' because no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/Applications/ mmap() error 1 at address=0x10447C000, size=0x00001000 segment=__TEXT in Segment::map() mapping /Applications/

any suggestions ?

I’m having the same issue. Before upgrading to 1.4.13 and xcode 7.0.1 we were able to start appium test cases with no issues running 1.4.8. After the update we’re seeing a dyld warning message followed by an error “Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Instruments crashed on startup”.