Can't input URL on Safari on real device

I’m trying to input URL on Safari on real iPhone device but got this error

InvalidElementStateException: Message: Error Domain=com.facebook.WebDriverAgent Code=1 “The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys}

This is my code

**** Settings ****
Library    Selenium2Library
Library    Collections
Library    requests
Library    AppiumLibrary

**** Test Cases ****
    Open application    alias=Phone    platformName=iOS    platformVersion=13.3    deviceName=iPhone
    ...    udid=**********************    nativeWebTap=true    automationName=XCUITest    noReset=false    wdaLocalPort=8145    useNewWDA=true
    AppiumLibrary.Input Text    xpath=//XCUIElementTypeButton[@name="URL"]
    Hide Keyboard    Go

1.I don’t have any third party keyboard installed.

2.I don’t want to use browserName=Safari because I want to verify the URL link.

3.Input problem only happen on Safari

iPhone 7
iOS 13.3
Appium 1.17.1-1

Can anyone help me out here.