Can't read data from excel file in appium script. path error

My Appium script perfectly working on local but moving to aws device farm, returns error because of not getting data excel file. I put the class files under “src/test/java” and excel file under “src/test/resources”.
My script sample is provided below

public static void changeCity() throws InterruptedException{
File src = new File("/acme-android-appium/src/test/resources/data1.xls");
Workbook wb = Workbook.getWorkbook(src);
Sheet sh1 = wb.getSheet(“Cities”);
Cell c1=sh1.getCell(0,1);

Please help me to resolve the issue.

@anfas investigate where does your code starting …
this will get absolute path where you are now. log it and read after run on aws. later correct your path to file…
