Can't run the Test on a Real Device for Appium 1.6.0

I am able to run the tests on a simulator easily, but I am not able to figure out as to, how to run these tests on a real device. I guess the ‘Device ID’(or udid) and ‘BundleID’ will be used, but what I cannot figure out is where to enter these info. in the ‘iOSTests.xml’ file.I have mentioned below, information regarding the connected device and the environment I am using to run these tests:

Real Device Info:
Device Name: iPhone 6
Device ID: aef19b6af2d45e7541d5aa2ad8bebb4e5a8c517d
BundleID: com.xxxxxxxxxxxx.enterprise.samplesdk

Appium version: 1.6.0
Xcode version: 8.1

Below is the part of my ‘iOSTests.xml’, where I’m supposed to enter the info. related to the connected device. Can anyone guide me as to, how to pass the connected device info. as parameters so that I can run the tests on a real device? In additon to that, would I have to comment out any parameters also?

<test name="iOS Test Simulator -- Local -- HomeList" preserve-order="true">
    <!--<parameter name="testType" value="NonGUI" />-->
    <parameter name="platformName" value="iOS"/>
    <parameter name="platformVersion" value="9.3"/>
    <parameter name="deviceName" value="iPhone 6"/>
    <parameter name="automationName" value="XCUITest"/>
    <parameter name="app" value="/Users/sidd/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxxxxxSDK-fspumibiqdpeowcifcncplnjlbeb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/"/>
    <parameter name="udid" value=""/>
    <parameter name="bundleId" value=""/>

I’ll be glad if someone could guid me through my issue.

Thank you in advance for your help & have a great day!
