Can't Scroll Can't view all page elements Can't do anything with appium!

I just started iOS Automation with Appium v1.3.5 by following the setup and sample app test tutorial that appium provides here -

Using Pry on the Appium Ruby Console and page command to filter out elements I noticed that elements that were not on screen, meaning those that i had to scroll down to were not being shown. The tutorial says that page class :UIAStaticText will bring back all the mentioned elements on the page but instead i get a nil for those elements not on my current screen. The scroll command has also failed me. But why scroll if i just want to return elements on the page. How can i accomplish this? Is it my simulator (iphone 6 iOS v8.1)? Is it Xcode? I know Xcode 6 has issues with appium. please help. Thanks!

           name, label, value: AAPLSliderViewController
           name, label, value: Steppers
           [2] pry(main)>    

I am also missing the network traffic information.

         :script => "UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[0].getTree()"
          post /execute
          :script => "UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[1].getTree()"
          post /execute
         :script => "mobile: getStrings"

The ruby lib helpers are designed for cross platform (android/ios). The page command is limited to visible elements only since that’s how it works on Android and end users don’t interact with invisible elements. The source command will show everything (including invisible). I recommend checking out’s visual inspector as that might be a better fit for your use case.

For network traffic, you can enable debugging info:

Appium::Logger.level = Logger::INFO

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