cap.setCapability("platformName", "ANDROID");

Hi , Could you please help me on this . App getting crashed frequently and refer below the error message

debug] [ADB] Running ‘/Users/TestLab/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb’ with args: ["-P",5037,"-s",“1215fc281be50205”,“shell”,“dumpsys”,“window”,“windows”]
[debug] [ADB] Found package: ‘com…android.’ and activity: ‘.activity.’
[debug] [ADB] Incorrect package and activity. Retrying.
[debug] [ADB] Getting focused package and activity
[debug] [ADB] Getting connected devices…
[debug] [ADB] 1 device(s) connected
[debug] [ADB] Running ‘/Users/TestLab/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb’ with args: ["-

is the package and activity name you are trying to open is right??


Yes , I can able to open the file .
Thanks for your response