Changing appium driver to 3rd party cloud provider

Hey there,
Currently I have things up and running with the bootstraponline cucumber_android and ios setup. > cucumber_android/features

I’ve gotten things working locally and on SauceLabs. I want to try another cloud provider as well, but i’m not sure where to change the driver. It looks like the driver is inherently set up in one of the gems.

Any help most welcome. Thanks in advance!

I thought that the driver custom_url change would work (see 2nd link) but it seemed to not. Not sure if we need to modify the env.rb with redeclaring the @appium_driver as in the docs file.

What provider are you trying to use? The Ruby bindings should work anywhere, not just Sauce Labs. Usually they will tell you to add some additional desired capabilities.

Thanks bootstraponline.
I was working with bitbar.
The issue was that custom_url needed to be placed under the appium_lib section in the appium.txt file.

Things seem to be working
Thanks for checking in though!