Chrome not reachable

AppiumForWIndows Version 1.6.4
ChromeDriver Version 2.29.461591
I use appium to test hybrid app of android.
when i want to switch to the webview context like this,the bug happened.Update the chromedriver not worked.
Could anyone help me to solve this problem,thks!

Try with the Google Chrome Webdriver Version 2.24. Your issue will be fixed.

I tried with chromedriver v2.24,and same problem:cry

I am running tests on Android Studio using Selenium (Java), so not sure if this will be of help. Below changes solved this error for me-

  1. Set chromedriver port to 9515 and chromedriver binary path to <chromedriver.exe path on your system> in advanced tab of Appium 1.6.4
  2. Delete chromedriver 2.29/2.24 and install chromedriver 2.28.
    chromedriver 2.24 gave me error about automation extension being disabled, 2.28 worked fine.

i used the chromeOptions like this and it worked,thank you all the same.