Chromedriver capability if using cloud services

Hi all,

I have a scenario that needs to use chrome from Appium. So far the local environment works fine because we use local Appium server (1.15) and utilize auto download chromedriver feature from 1.15

However, when we execute the tests on cloud services, the feature to auto download chromedriver is not working because its Appium server is less than 1.15, so some devices are failed because of mismatch chromedriver.

Is there any workaround for this? I’ve read this: but still didn’t how best to use it in my current scenario.


I assume it depends on the particular cloud service. Earlier Appium versions support static chromedrivers mapping, which could be in use there. This means the cloud service should have preconfigured mapping on theirAappium images. In case such mapping is not configured properly or Appium version is too old then try to contact their customer support - perhaps their employees could have better ideas on how to solve that.

How about I manually download all chromedriver files, put them into our project source and define the path to chromedriver folder through “chromedriverExecutableDir” desired capabilities
Do you think it’s possible?

@mykola-mokhnach: Wait according to this article:

chromedriverExecutableDir : the path to a writable directory on the Appium server’s host, where new Chromedriver binaries can be downloaded and executed from

So in case of a particular cloud service running Appium, it will try to look the path on the cloud service host, NOT from the executed machine, right?

yes, this is the path on the machine where Appium server is running


Just asked their cloud services, and they’ve upgraded Appium server to 1.15, so chromedriver can be handled automatically from their side :slight_smile:
