setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled is set to true. I tried different devices with 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 Android versions. Also tried different versions of chromedriver. Chrome on device has latest version.
Trying to switch context during testing hybrid app using set_context method but getting next error:
info: [debug] Getting a list of available webviews
info: [debug] executing: “/Applications/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb” -s 04d5ef159c58e935 shell “cat /proc/net/unix”
info: [debug] WEBVIEW_20798 mapped to pid 20798
info: [debug] Getting process name for webview
info: [debug] executing: “/Applications/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb” -s 04d5ef159c58e935 shell “ps”
info: [debug] Parsed pid: 20798 pkg: PACKAGE
info: [debug] from: u0_a85,20798,175,1107104,102688,ffffffff,00000000,R,PACKAGE
info: [debug] returning process name: PACKAGE
info: [debug] Available contexts: NATIVE_APP,WEBVIEW_PACKAGE
info: [debug] [“WEBVIEW_PACKAGE”]
info: [debug] Available contexts: NATIVE_APP,WEBVIEW_PACKAGE
info: [debug] Connecting to chrome-backed webview
info: [debug] Creating Chrome session
info: [debug] Set chromedriver binary as: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/chromedriver/mac/chromedriver
info: [debug] Ensuring Chromedriver exists
info: [debug] Killing any old chromedrivers, running: ps -ef | grep /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/chromedriver/mac/chromedriver | grep -v grep |grep -e ‘–port=9515$’ | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ | xargs kill -15
info: [debug] Successfully cleaned up old chromedrivers
info: [debug] Spawning chromedriver with: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/chromedriver/mac/chromedriver
info: [debug] [CHROMEDRIVER] Starting ChromeDriver (v2.10.267517) on port 9515
Only local connections are allowed.
info: [debug] Making http request with opts: {“url”:“",“method”:“POST”,“json”:{“sessionId”:null,“desiredCapabilities”:{“chromeOptions”:{“androidPackage”:“PACKAGE”,“androidUseRunningApp”:true,“androidDeviceSerial”:"SERIAL_NUMBER”}}}}
error: Chromedriver create session did not work. Status was 200 and body was {“sessionId”:“fbb6d5b350bffc2165444dc2485ad747”,“status”:13,“value”:{“message”:“unknown error: Chrome version must be >= 33.0.1750.0\n (Driver info: chromedriver=2.10.267517,platform=Mac OS X 10.9.5 x86_64)”}}
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:13,“value”:{“message”:“An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. (Original error: Did not get session redirect from Chromedriver)”,“origValue”:“Did not get session redirect from Chromedriver”},“sessionId”:“3c9c7717-d37c-4247-ac3d-982249a32121”}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session/3c9c7717-d37c-4247-ac3d-982249a32121/context 500 1108.237 ms - 280
I tried on rooted KitKat 4.4.2 device and that works perfectly with latest chromedriver. Not sure if that’s because device is rooted or version is 4.4.2…
I found this discussion:
I’m also struggling with the same issue
Yes, ChromeDriver is finicky about what versions of Chrome it will interoperate with. Have you tried ChromeDriver 2.11?
Yeah, I tried it. The same thing but chrome version is another (“Chrome version must be >= 36” something like that). I tried on different devices, and seems like that problem have Android of 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 versions. I also tried oldest versions of Chromedriver and Chrome. The same thing. And it doesn’t matter if device is rooted or not.
I was thinking about to build custom chromedriver with changed required chrome versions, but that’s tough work.
Any update in this issue ?? or Any work around to skip this issue???
I suppose it’s chromedriver bug. I was planning to build custom chromedriver, but decided to try Selendroid and it works
Hi @kirill, Today I have found that 2.12 is released. Chromedriver verison v2.12 is supported and its working fine for me. I’m able to access the webviews. I have tried in LG Optimus G2 with android version v4.4.2 and replaced the old chromedriver (Appium v1.3.1).
Well… As I said before, it worked for me only on 4.4.2 Android. : (
Same issue here. After upgrading HTC One device from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4 I’m getting the error below:
info: [debug] Creating Chrome session
info: [debug] Determining linux architecture
info: [debug] Set chromedriver binary as: /home/mpi/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/chromedriver/linux/chromedriver64
info: [debug] Ensuring Chromedriver exists
info: [debug] Killing any old chromedrivers, running: ps -ef | grep /home/mpi/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/chromedriver/linux/chromedriver64 | grep -v grep |grep -e '--port=9515$' | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill -15
info: [debug] Successfully cleaned up old chromedrivers
info: [debug] Spawning chromedriver with: /home/mpi/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/chromedriver/linux/chromedriver64
info: [debug] [CHROMEDRIVER] Starting ChromeDriver 2.12.301324 (de8ab311bc9374d0ade71f7c167bad61848c7c48) on port 9515
Only local connections are allowed.
info: [debug] Making http request with opts: {"url":"","method":"POST","json":{"sessionId":null,"desiredCapabilities":{"chromeOptions":{"androidPackage":"","androidUseRunningApp":true,"androidDeviceSerial":"HT48TWM00175"}}}}
info: [debug] [CHROMEDRIVER STDERR] [0.001][SEVERE]: bind() returned an error, errno=98: Address already in use
info: [debug] Chromedriver exited with code null
info: [debug] (killed by signal SIGSEGV)
info: [debug] Chromedriver exited unexpectedly
error: Chromedriver create session did not work. Status was 200 and body was {"sessionId":"f6feb271baea83167674e677dab10a14","status":13,"value":{"message":"unknown error: Chrome version must be >= 36.0.1985.0\n (Driver info: chromedriver=2.12.301324 (de8ab311bc9374d0ade71f7c167bad61848c7c48),platform=Linux 3.13.0-39-generic x86_64)"}}
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {"status":13,"value":{"message":"An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. (Original error: Did not get session redirect from Chromedriver)","origValue":"Did not get session redirect from Chromedriver"},"sessionId":"f4321366-c368-4372-8707-e9403b1977ea"}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session/f4321366-c368-4372-8707-e9403b1977ea/context 500 1666.870 ms - 280
Still getting the same error on Android L.
Update: Fixed in the latest versions of chromedriver.