Chromedriver session: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: [object Object] unknown error: Failed to forward ports to device

Hi guys!
Insoluble problem with chromedriver (((
4 days I can’t start the cromedriver on mac machine Appium + real device Samsung S6
I have tried all versions of chromedriver and the one of them works on windows machine Appium + Samsung S6, but the same chromedriver dose not works on mac [[[[
maybe someone found solution?

Thank you so match

Chromedriver session: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: [object Object] unknown error: Failed to forward ports to device.

Hi ,
I am also facing the same issue for chrome driver on windows appium + real device Samsung galaxy Tab A. please suggest if any solution. please find attached appium logs for same.
appium-server-logs.txt (6.9 KB)

@Bharat_Dhamale your problem is “Could not parse fixed W3C capabilities”. Fixed in java-client BUT no release build yet :frowning:

as workaround you can use jitpack to get latest java-client from source code: