Configuring Appium on Macbook


After configuring appium on windows now am trying to configure appium on mac book to automate ios app.

The issue am facing is am not able install appium as a sudo using sudo npm install -g appium
when i googled i say try to install as a non sudo user and using brew. but npm or node that is being using to build the app (.ipa). is there any way i can have both node and brew installed in my machine. or is there any way i can install appium from terminal using npm.

Also please provide the steps to configure appium on macbook.


@msrsadiq, you should not need to use sudo to use npm. Make certain brew is installed on your machine (you may need to use sudo for that), then install the software if needed
brew install npm
brew install node
npm install -g appium
If this isn’t working for some reason, post your error here