Hi Tester
Could you please save an intern day and help me on this issue that I have been working on all day without a solution
So I have a mobile app that I want to test on a real device, I am using these capabilities
udid=‘d645ad32’ ,
platformName= ‘Android’ ,
appPackage= ’ com.cybertel.voip.nokia ’ ,
appActivity= ‘com.cybertel.voip.ui.main.CallMainActivity’ ,
autoGrantPermissions= True,
noReset= True
the appium inspector gives this attributes for an element for an example
I am just following a tutorial and trying to practice so might be I missed something since I am using a particalr app
The issue is I can only access the element by ID, which does not solve my task as some elements does not have ID so I need to access them by Name
driver1.find_element(by=AppiumBy.NAME, value=‘VOIP CLIENT UPDATE’)
I get this error
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException: Message: Locator Strategy ‘name’ is not supported for this session
can anyone please help me on how to select any element with the attributes