Could Not Launch Appium Inspector Xcode 8, appium 1.5.3 [SOLVED]

Go to new Terminal and come out of user folder using cd ā€¦ twice

Then go to appium folde using :
cd Applications/

@Sandarekha, @jyothi_B

thanks for helping.

Now I have downloaded appium 1.6.4 and Appium desktop. But still one issue is there

When I am opening Appium desktop,mentioning the desired capability and starting the session.
It is only showing the mobile screen, not showing the window with xml ( that is required to get the xpath).

Iā€™m not able to solve this. But you can log a issue here.

You can have a quick reply.

I got the solution for this:

I was not building the webDriverAgent project provided by Appium Desktop. So Just go till the Appium Desktop location installed on your machine and find the WebDriverAgent project under that and build that project in Xcode with developer certificate.

I am also facing the same problem , At first my appium desktop app inspector was launching the application and it was possible for me to find the elements . I set the capabilities and clicked on start session button but it is showing error as Couldnot start the session.
Help me out.