Could not launch appium server

Strange error I’m getting :

Could not find a device to launch.
You requested ‘iPad Retina (1378E4A9-36FC-41CD-8A47-2AC3E946040A) (7.1 Simulator)’, but the available devices were: ["iPad Retina (7.1 Simulator) [1378E4A9-36FC-41CD-8A47-2AC3E946040A]"***,“iPhone 6 (8.1 Simulator) [52C65CFF-F58C-42A7-ADE1-97B5BBAE5813]”]

Any way how to overcome ?

You probably want to delete all the simulators and rebuilt them thru device management and try again.

Hi @igal_epshtein

I was facing same issue very recently

if you want to launch Appium -
In Appium iOS setting - Force Device - check it - Remove the simulator UDID just keep ‘iPad Retina’ and in ‘Platform Version’ keep 7.1 --> it should work

doesn’t work for me as well !

have a look :
Could not find a device to launch. You requested ‘iPhone 5s (032FA91C-CBBA-4AF4-BAEB-C6F8E28EB21C) (8.1 Simulator)’, but the available devices were: [“iPad Retina (8.1 Simulator) [40B418C7-E02D-496B-AE9F-9565C2140402]”,“iPhone 5s (8.1 Simulator) [032FA91C-CBBA-4AF4-BAEB-C6F8E28EB21C]”]

also it seems that the settings dialog doesn’t keep the changes once you made them.
for examp : open settings dialog, change some settings , close the dialog and launch the simulator , the recent settings are not being saved …