Could not pre-launch appium: error: command failed: /bin/sh -c ideviceinstaller -u


Guys i needs your help,
Run Appium app, and Appium configured for iOS emulators
Brew, ideviceinstaller, node installed, Appium doctor show that all installed

What are your settings?

I am having the same issue.
Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c ideviceinstaller -u 910c9d91c7983af222df765f04912d4091581754
-i /Users/ypotluri/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/RADialer-dszezfpkvnbrnwcuymmdrubmgqax/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
/bin/sh: line 1: -i: command not found

I have tried uninstalling and installing ideviceinstaller
Unlinked and linked ideviceinstaller
ran the command manually on terminal and it works ideviceinstaller -u 910c9d91c7983af222df765f04912d4091581754
-i /Users/ypotluri/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/RADialer-dszezfpkvnbrnwcuymmdrubmgqax/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

This was working yesterday, I initiated 2 appium sessions on 2 different ports .
I am suddenly getting this error

Can you please help resolving the issue
Envt : Elcapitan IOS , version 1.4.13


Hi Dima,

Couple of things about your settings:

  1. Your ‘App Path’ is set to a .ipa file, which can only be used on a real device. See if your developer can generate an app for use with a Simulator.
  2. I believe there is a bug in Appium where if you specify a UDID that Appium will automatically treat the device like a real device. Appium will try to use ideviceinstaller, for example, which can only be used with a real device. On a simulator, Appium installs the app with ‘xcrun simctl’. BTW–you can always tell the difference between the UDID of a Simulator and a real device because the Simulator will have dashes (’-’).

So 2 things for you to do:

  1. Get an app that is compiled for x86 processor (Simulator) rather than ARM (real device)
  2. Don’t use the UDID setting when testing against a Simulator.

Good luck!

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Thank you @wreed ! I will try soon!