Difference between starting server with 'appium' vs 'appium &'

Hi All,

please clarify difference between starting a server with ‘appium’ vs ‘appium &’ command.

Thanks in advance.


“appium” starts the server in the foreground, i.e. close the terminal and it stops.
“appium &” starts it in the background.

@Triqqo what is best practice in this case ?

Can you please point me to more details documentation on this , couldn’t find any

Thanks & Regards,

There’s not really a best practice in this case. It depends on the situation. For example, if you want to run a single Appium instance and close it when you’re done, you might want to run it in the foreground. Though if you’re running multiple Appium instances in a continuous integration environment, you may want to run them in the background continuously.

Also, it’s not a feature of Appium, but rather of the Unix shell (which is probably why you couldn’t find any documentation). The “&” can be used to start any process in the background, on Unix systems.

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@Triqqo Thanks for detailed clarification.


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